Description of vector cotrol functions, parameters and how to use them in the simulation.
“MOSQUITO/VECTOR.CONTROL/” contains all the sub-folders and files required to setup and activate the vector control interventions. These interventions are activated and distributed in “MOSQUITO/VECTOR.CONTROL/setup.VectorControl.R”.
There are three steps to setup an intervention in a particular landscape:
Activate its bool controller in “setup.VectorControl.R”
Call the setup.VectorControlPackage function. This function is a wrapper that defines probability parameters for the interventions that have been implemented in MASH. The probabilities vectors can be modified for each intervention by setting up the following values (note that not all of these parameters are required or used in each intervention and are kept only for standarisation purposes):
ACTIVE: defines in an intervention should or should not be activated in the simulation
SurviveP: probability to survive an encounter with a given intervention
ProbeP: probability to probe on a host (if available)
RepelP: probability of being repelled by an intervention if encountered
FeedP: probability to succesfully feed on a host given the encounter with the intervention
SurviveProbeP: probability to survive a probe attempt given the encounter with the intervention
Call either setup.Manually_LANDSCAPE_BasedInterventions or setup.Random_Uniform_LANDSCAPE_BasedInterventions to define where, in the LANDSCAPE object, the interventions should be distributed.
INTERVENTIONS_PARAMETERS must be defined as a global as it is the variable that controls the killing probabilities of all the interventions.
These interventions work by adding columns to the LANDSCAPE data frame in which booleans values (0 or 1) define wether an intervention is present in a given point or not. The “MOSQUITO/VECTOR.CONTROL/setup.VectorControl.R” contains examples of how to use these functions.
The ones marked with (+) are the ones that have been integrated into the newest version of MASH, the ones marked with (-) were integrated but might be wrong (they depend on a weird check: notInIXFZero=ixf(M)) and the ones marked with (=) were integrated but untested.
ATSB (-)
IRS (-)
Note: For now inside and outside walls are treated the same (as in they call the same set of parameters). That should be changed later.