Description of the variables that make up mosquitos in the model.
Female Mosquito Object
Mosquito Variables
- id: identifier
- bday: birthday
- tnow: current event time
- tnext: time to next event
- bState: life cycle event
- bStateNew: life cycle event
- inPointSet: type of site in which the mosquito is currently located
- ix: location index
- mature:
- type: mosquito type
- lspot: type of site in which the mosquito is currently located
- damage: damage sustained by the individual (0 to 1)
- energy: energy reserves (0 to 1)
- female: male or female individual
- bmSize: size of blood meal (0 to 1)
- batch: female eggs in batch
- eggT: minimum time before eggs are mature
- eggP: minimum provision (in ) for eggs to mature
- mated: has mosquito mated in this gonotrophic cycle?
- sire:
- sire.type:
- energyPreG: If eDefPreG > 0, it defines a pre-gonogrophic energy requirement that could be filled up.
- hostID: identifier of bitten individuals
- Pf: plasmodium falsciparum
Mosquito Life Cycle States
- F: blood-feed search
- B: blood-feed attempt
- R: rest
- L: egg-laying search
- O: egg-laying attempt
- S: sugar-feed attempt
- M: mating attempt
- E: estivating
- D: dead
Point Sets
- l: habitat/laying site (oviposition spot)
- f: feeding site (haunt)
- s: sugar feeding site
- m: mating swarm site
Landing Spots: House Entering & Resting Behavior
At the end of the search bout, attempt bout, or after egg laying, a mosquito has entered the area around a feeding station and either rested or attempted to rest:
- l: leave the area
- r: reattempt without resting
- v: rest on vegetation
- w: rest on the outside wall of a structure
- i: rest on the inside wall of a structure
Female DHM
while(M$bState!="D" & M$tnext < env$TMAX){
#update mosquito M's time
M$tnow = M$tnext
#run bout based on bState
M = switch(M$bState,
F = BloodFeedingSearchBout(M),
B = BloodFeedingAttemptBout(M),
R = RestingBout(M),
L = EggLayingSearchBout(M),
O = EggLayingAttemptBout(M),
M = MatingBout(M),
S = SugarFeedingBout(M),
E = EstivationBout(M)
M = queueEstivation(M)
M = queueMating(M)
M = landingSpot(M)
M = surviveRestingHazard(M)
M = energetics(M)
M = surviveFlight(M)
M = timing(M)
M$bState = M$bStateNew
Male Mosquito Object
Male DHM
while(M$bState != "D" & M$tnext < env$TMAX){
M$tnow = M$tnext
M = switch(M$bState,
M = SwarmingBout(M,env=env),
S = SugarFeedingBout(M)
if((M$bStateNew == "F") | M$bStateNew == "B"){
M$bStateNew = "S"
M$bState = M$bStateNew