Description of pathogen pedigree tracking.
Plasmodium falciparum (PfPedigree)
The pedigree functions are necessary to track how pathogens move between hosts and mosquito vectors. Pedigree tracking must occur when a new human infection occurs; that is, when sporozites successfully invade the host bloodstream. In programmatic terms, this means that the function addPf2Pedigree()
will be called during the evaluation of infectiousBite_XX()
PfPedigree Generics
To initialize the pedigree tracking routines please note that, following convention we will refer to the specific instantiation of PfPedigree as PfPedigree_XX, where XX will be that specific instantiation. However there are certain generic steps that must be undertaken, even if one is using the NULL instantiation.
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addEvent2Q(ixH, event){