An Eco-epidemiological Agent-based Framework for the Modeling of Mosquito-borne Pathogens

Sean Wu1, Héctor M. Sánchez C.1, Biyonka Liang1, David L. Smith2

  1. University of California, Berkeley
  2. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Seattle, Washington

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Models & Theory
  • Modeling of mosquito-borne pathogens is particularly complex as infection dynamics arise out of the interaction between (at least) three species: humans, pathogens, and mosquitoes
  • MICRO is a process-based description of pathogen transmission through stochastic simulation based on the Gillespie algorithm

M-BITES: Mosquito Bout-based and Individual-based Transmission Ecology Simulation

Continuous-time Discrete Event Simulation
Plasmodium falciparum Transmission Simulation
Plasmodium falciparum Transmission Chains
Risk is Heterogeneous on Realistic Landscapes
Optimization of Vector Control Interventions for Transmission Control
Project Status
  • MASH is a family of open-source R packages
  • Codebase: object-oriented R6 and object-oriented C++ for computationally heavy elements
  • Integrate MICRO with larger MASH (Modular Analysis & Simulation for Human Health) projects for simulation of infectious disease transmission at national scales
  • Integrate PfLOME, a model of within and between host evolutionary dynamics of malaria
  • More flexible simulation of human movement across scales (neighborhood, city, province, country)
Affiliations & Funding